What is a DammitGirl?

What is a DammitGirl?

What is a Dammit Girl? (part one)

A DammitGirl isn’t just a label—it’s a way of life. She’s chasing her potential and pushing boundaries. Whether it’s a wild adventure, fighting for her dreams, or making her mark in the world, the DammitGirl knows who she is and what she stands for.

At the heart of every DammitGirl is a love for adventure, fun and friendships. She finds freedom where there are no limits, no expectations, and no one telling her what she can or can’t do. From fishing off the coast to hiking trails to bustling business deals and wrangling life by the horns, she’s at home where ever she hangs her hat, ready to take on whatever the day throws her way.

But being a DammitGirl is more than just the love of adventure—it’s about attitude. She’s unapologetically herself, embracing her quirks, imperfections, and strengths. She’s tough, but she’s also real. Whether she’s navigating through life’s challenges or celebrating her wins, she does it with all her heart.

The Dammit Girl isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. Whether she’s fixing a flat tire, training her dog for the next hunt, or casting the perfect fly, she doesn’t just watch from the sidelines—she dives right in. And she does it all with her own unique flair.

At Dammit Girls, we celebrate this spirit. Our gear and platform is designed for the women who live life on their own terms, women who are as resilient as the landscapes they love to explore. Every piece of our collection is crafted with you in mind—built to last, built to keep up, and built to let you express your bold self.

So, what is a DammitGirl? She’s you—the woman who’s not afraid to say “dammit, I can do this!” and goes after it every day success, stumble, or setback. Whether you’re chasing ducks or chasing dreams, you’re a DammitGirl through and through.

Welcome to the tribe. We sure are glad you are here…There is so much more to come


Beth, CoFounder

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